In the world of education, we are always looking toward the future!
Deputy Superintendent Sherri Cyra recently represented Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District in a presentation along with representatives from Eppstein Uhen Architects (EUA) and Monona Grove School District (MGSD) at the Wisconsin Association of School Boards Education Convention.
Their presentation centered around the theme "designing for what you don't know." The team expanded on their strategies to ensure the designs and tools we implement in our schools can support instruction in the future. Both MCPASD and MGSD utilized one-time capital referendum monies to fund new additions and updates to their schools. The team shared examples from the newly renovated MCPASD High School Campus and Granite Ridge Elementary School of how space can be designed to meet instructional and program needs now, with the flexibility to adapt as needs change in the future.
Thank you to Deputy Superintendent Sherri Cyra for showcasing the innovative designs of our schools and leading an outstanding presentation!