Elementary Education
Curriculum and Standards
We believe all students can learn, and it is our duty to ensure that all students do learn. We accomplish this by developing a comprehensive, integrated approach that provides system-wide support to schools, families, and the community.
The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District has a history of commitment to excellence in education. The board of education and district citizens have endorsed this commitment by supporting the development, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum and the instructional program. Administrators and staff members have worked together to design and implement instructional programs which will meet the many and diverse needs of students from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. While there are many reasons to be proud of the district’s instructional program, excellence demands a dedication to continuing evaluation and improvement. The following curriculum documents provide an overview of our current K-4 instructional program.
Class Syllabi

Dr. MaryBeth Paulisse
Director of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment