Advertise With MCPASD

Thank you for your interest in advertising with MCPASD! Sponsorships are an opportunity to promote your business while showing support for MCPASD.

We're looking for organizations to help sponsor two key publications:

  • Our Community Connection Magazine, which is mailed to 40,000 households in our communities in June

  • Our Back-to-School Guide, which we publish online in August for our District's 7,000 families

Sponsoring a publication can help you grow your business and be seen by thousands of local families and community members.

We also have sponsorship opportunities for our two flagship employee recognition events:

  • Our Years of Service Event in April – a ceremony celebrating MCPASD staff members for achieving significant career milestones

  • Our Retiree Dinner in May – a formal banquet honoring our retirees and their remarkable contributions to our District

Now more than ever, our schools needs strong community partners. Your sponsorship builds brand awareness for your business and supports our schools’ initiatives, staff recognition, and student success.

Interested in other sponsorship and advertising opportunities with MCPASD? Please contact us, and we would be happy to schedule a consultation and hear your ideas!

Check out our Sponsorship Guide

Our sponsorship guide includes pricing options for our publications and employee recognition events, plus details on additional advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Making an Impact in Our Community

Our publications reach 40,000 homes in the Middleton-Cross Plains communities, and we have 14,000 followers on social media!


77% of parents agree that they are more likely to purchase from and support a company if they sponsored their children's school! (Source: Turnkey Sports and Entertainment)


Contact Us

Interested in sponsoring our publications? Reach out to the MCPASD communications team:

Shannon Valladolid | Director of Information/Public Relations

Carrie Brooker | Public Relations Specialist

We're happy to meet with you to review the sponsorship guide and discuss potential sponsorship options. Our meeting will last 20-30 minutes. We look forward to hearing from you!

Meet Our Sponsors!

Thank you for supporting our schools! We appreciate your partnership in building strong communities!

Burn Boot Camp

spencer realty




Girl Scouts Logo

Bishops Bay


Trio Ramen

girls on the run logo


Little Gym

scooters coffee

amy helt

Bruce Company

