Earlier this month, Middleton High School welcomed Paris Echoles to facilitate a workshop titled "The 2023 Dream Team: Cultivating Our Best Selves for the Benefit of the "US" during the "Big 8" basketball showcase event. Teams, clubs, families, and administrators were invited to engage in the experience created by Mr. Paris Echoles to support the personal betterment of the teams and organizations.
The workshop focused on how collaboration can help us create the best version of ourselves to benefit the collective "us." Echoles utilized the work and vision of legendary pioneers such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to showcase how being our best selves radiates positivity into the communities we are involved in. Finally, the workshop also encouraged the participants to be agents for change and become leaders in their schools, organizations, and programs.
Learn more in this article written by Middleton High School Athletics & Activity Director Jamie Sims for the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association newsletter.