Podium Speaker Day at Kromrey Middle School | Vietnam Veterans
Our teachers go above and beyond to create immersive learning environments for our students.
Every Friday, 5th-grade teachers Carol Pincombe and Tanya Zempel invite a community member or members to serve as a guest speaker to present to the class.
"We have some amazing people that share about WHAT they do and give us a deeper dive into some incredible areas," Said Pincombe.
In honor of Veterans Day, 5th-grade teachers Carol Pincombe and Tanya Zempel brought special guests to class on Friday!
Four generous Vietnam Veterans donated their time to speak with the class about their experience in the military and answer student questions. One of the guests was our very own School Board President, Bob Hesselbein!
A special thank you to volunteer speakers:
Doug Zwank – US Marine Corp
Steve Peckham - US Marine Corp
Bob Topel – US Air Force
Bob Hesselbein – US Army/US Air Force
We would also like to thank Ms. Pincombe and Ms. Zempel for coordinating this great opportunity!