cell phone

NOTIFICATIONS BY TEXT | For the 2022-23 school year, MCPASD will be utilizing new communication tools district-wide!

Our district can now text, call, and email our families, students, and staff with the click of a button. This tool will be used to send important information to you quickly and efficiently.

Our communications team will send out a system-wide text message to all families, students, and staff on August 18th between 12- 3 p.m.

Everyone is automatically opted into the system.

For people that have downloaded our app, expect a push notification to welcome you to the system.

Kromrey Middle School Student, Bella Albiter, will explain everything you need to know for August 18th in this short video| https://bit.ly/3Qhw3cO


View the full message sent to families here | https://bit.ly/3pcQ2gE