Meet Katelyn Bullis!
She is an 8th-grade math/science/ACP teacher at Kromrey Middle School.
Bullis loves her job as a teacher, and she really enjoys working at MCPASD because of the opportunities for growth.
She began as a Paraprofessional for the District while she was in college. She then earned a role as a student-teacher at Kromrey Middle School.
Her story came full circle once she finished her student teaching internship because she was hired on for a teaching role shortly after!
We are excited to watch Katelyn grow even further with MCPASD!
MCPASD offers an attractive benefits package to staff working a minimum of 30 hours per week, including:
- Healthcare, which is one of the lowest rates in the state.
- Dental
- Long Term and Short Term Disability
- Employee Assistance Program
- Family and Medical Leave
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- Life Insurance
- Retirement Savings through the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) and 403b Options
- Vision Insurance
- Worker’s Compensation
We are looking for outstanding teachers, administrators, and support staff committed to educational excellence and reflecting the diversity of our students.
Apply and join our team today!