Since March 2020, Congress has passed three stimulus bills that provided over $2.3 billion under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Education Relief Fund (ESSER) to local educational agencies in Wisconsin.
The funds provide emergency financial assistance to address the impact that COVID-19 has had and continues to have on schools.
These funds are one-time monies, so our district has been mindful of spending them because we know that we will not be getting more once it's gone.
Our district has received two rounds of one-time ESSER funding and is awaiting money from ESSER III. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) wants school districts to be transparent about using the funds, including developing a plan based on student needs, having caution when using funds for ongoing costs, and spending funds during the allocated time period.
ESSER I Summary
- $208,097
In 2020-21, MCPASD used the full allocation of $208,097 to purchase 581 devices, both ipads and chromebooks, to increase our student technology devices to support getting to 1:1 devices across the district. These funds were allocated according to mandated stipulations and aligned with district goals and priorities. It was imperative that all students had consistent access to instruction during virtual learning.
ESSER II Summary
- $1,056,099
MCPASD's allocation of $1,056,099 is being allocated over three years to build a summer school program. A multi-year approach provides MCPASD an opportunity to scale up the program over the years while purposefully building revenue limit authority with increased Summer School membership FTE. The increase in revenue limit authority will be used to help fund a portion of future summer school programming after the one-time ESSER II funds are spent.
In Summer 2021, MCPASD held its inaugural Summer Academy for students entering grades 1-9, with actual costs of $200,000. With approximately 200 students served, students and
parents shared positive feedback about the learning opportunity and continuing the program in the future! Additionally, MCPASD held the 9-12 grade level 2021 summer school program and general funds were used as has been in prior years.
In Summer 2022, MCPASD is scaling up the program by 50% to serve approximately 300 students and a 50% increase in staffing. The upcoming summer program has an estimated budget of $325,000. The 9-12 grade level programming will continue in 2022 and MCPASD will shift funding to ESSER II, which will free up approximately $60,000 in the general fund budget to offset the projected deficit budget.
In Summer 2023, the remaining ESSER II funding will be used by increasing summer school programming district-wide.
- $5,652,359
Recently, our district learned that we had been allocated $5,652,359 from the ESSER III funding pot. That is $4 million more than we initially thought we would be receiving.
This bucket of funds aims to continue summer learning opportunities, add early literacy & mental health supports, and technology infrastructure to support educational learning. In addition, the federal requirements state 20% of the funding must go toward addressing learning loss among students, including low-income students, children with disabilities, English learners, students of color, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care of the local educational agency.
A team from across the district, including Directors, Principals, a Student & Family Engagement Specialist, a Reading interventionist, and a Bilingual Resource Teacher, has been meeting to discuss spending the original $1.6 million.
Areas include the following:
- Instructional coach consultant
- Temporary counselor increase
- Therapists
- Literacy materials and training
- Shifts of resource staffing FTE
Given the $4 million increase in allocation in just the last month, additional discussion and feedback is needed before decisions are made. Additional considerations for the $4 million allocated in January 2022 are (this is not an inclusive list):
- Permanent Substitute costs
- Technology devices
- Additional literacy materials (e.g., classroom / book room books, foundational
- literacy materials)
- Staff recruitment costs
- Staff professional development - literacy focus
To view the full detailed report with charts, click here.
View our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan below.