MCPASD Families,
On Monday, our MCPASD Board of Education unanimously voted to approve our 2022-23 school year calendar. You can view the final calendar here.
These are the following changes that have been enacted in the final school year calendar:
September 1st is the first day of school for students in all grades K-12th
5th Grade WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) and 9th Grade LINK will be held Wednesday, August 31st
Increased number of Professional Development/Collaboration days from 6 to 9; these are days when all educators are engaged in learning and collaborative planning across their buildings and the district
Almost all PD /Collaboration days will be on Mondays, one per month
February will have two PD /Collab days (a Monday &Tuesday), in lieu of a December day
Secondary students will have independent learning on three of the PC days. (March, April, and May) There will be NO SCHOOL for grades Kindergarten through fourth. (K-4)
11th and 12th grade students will have independent learning on April 11-12, 2023 (for 9th & 10th grade) state testing days
*We are not moving forward with the proposal for a more innovative asynchronous calendar at the high school level at this time. This decision will allow more time for learning, dialogue, professional development, and engagement around authentic, project-based learning,
Important Dates to Note:
Sept 1st (First Day of School)
Sept 5th (Labor Day)
October 27-28 (October Break)
November 23-25 (Thanksgiving Break)
December 22-30 (Winter Break)
January 16 (MLK Jr. Day)
February 20-21 (Mid-Winter Break)
Spring Break (March 27- 31)
May 29 (Memorial Day)
June 8 (Last Day for Students)