CROSS PLAINS, WI - MCPASD School Board members toured the new cafeteria at Park Elementary School in Cross Plains on August 2nd, 2021.
The project broke ground in March 2020 and was completed just before the 2021-22 year school year.
$3.8 million in referendum dollars was used to complete this new addition.
"Walking into the remodel of park school is absolutely refreshing," said MCPASD School Board member Sheila Hibner. "This is a beautiful space designed with our students in mind to have the best possible school day experience."
Park was the only elementary school in MCPASD that did not have a cafeteria. Lunch used to be served in the school's gymnasium.
Thank you to our community for passing our 2018 referendum so our district can continue serving our students and employees.
"I think it's important that students and staff can enjoy their meal and prepare themselves for an afternoon of more learning," said MCPASD School Board President Bob Hesselbein.