Tuesday, April 13, 2021 - 12:19 pm
Assistant Superintendent of Operations Lori Ames provided her initial enrollment report for the upcoming 2021-22 school year at the Board of Education regular meeting at Kromrey Middle School on Monday, April 12.
Ames noted that she and Deputy Superintendent Sherri Cyra had done joint reports in the past but because of restructuring District administration decided it made more sense to have one person handle the enrollment report.
Ames reminded members it is very early in process and that updates will be provided monthly. She noted enrollment especially at 4K and kindergarten for next year is fluid.
The District has used the UW-Madison Applied Population Lab to help with its annual projections along with Mark Roffers Consulting to help with long-term forecasting.
Ames noted COVID has significantly impacted all districts' abilities to project enrollment. The District does not expect every family that sent children to parochial or private school or home-schooled this past year to return in 2021-22. In addition, the housing market may negatively impact the number of families moving into the District for at least another year, she said.
As a result of those factors, the District decided to be very conservative with enrollment projections for next year, Ames said. MCPASD is projecting 7,408 students in 4K-12th grade, an increase of 44 students from the official Third Friday September count in 2020. Ames reminded the Board that is about 250 students less than what the District projected for 2020-21 enrollment.
Enrollment projections were also reviewed at the Finance Committee meeting. Members offered feedback and Ames will adjust the report based on the suggestions.