Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 1:41pm
The Board of Education held listening sessions with Sauk Trail and West Middleton staff for approximately 45 minutes before the start of their regular meeting at Kromrey Middle School on Monday, March 22.
In addition, another 20 staff members completed an online form offering the same questions that were asked at the in-person listening sessions.
In other news from Monday's meeting:
* The Board voted to table a decision about where future School Board meetings will be held until the new School Board is seated on April 26. The Board has met at Kromrey Community Room 510 since February and previously met at the District Services Center until moving to virtual meetings in March 2020.
* The Board approved a sustainability resolution. Board president Annette Ashley thanked the community members who reached out to the Board in support of the resolution. The item was reviewed by the Finance Committee and discussed at the School Board meeting on March 8.
Superintendent Dana Monogue noted there have been very few cases of COVID in MCPASD schools now that all levels are offering in-person instruction. She did note there has been a handful of positive cases at MHS. The District will continue to do contact tracing when positive cases occur. Monogue also noted there are no appeals in the process and asked that families respect the decision if a student is deemed a close contact and keep their child home and monitor symptoms.
She visited multiple elementary classrooms last week and praised staff for the work they are doing to make the blended model work. She also congratulated Director of Elementary Education Rainey Briggs, who has accepted the superintendent position in Baraboo.
* After three residents read comments in-person and another did so virtually, Board president Annette Ashley noted the members received approximately 25 written comments with some wanting middle school students to return, others wanting high school students to return, some wanting all 5-12 students to return and a few requesting that families have the opportunity to have their children switch instructional models.
Ashley also noted that Superintendent Monogue sent a communication to all families supporting our Asian-American families after last week's shooting in Atlanta.
The video from the March 22 School Board meeting is available on the District's YouTube Channel: