Monday, January 25, 2021 - 6:44 pm
Videos with information about the mitigation strategies and safety protocols that have been put in place at each elementary school have been produced by the District's media production department.
The videos, along with school-specific plans about buildings reopening to students, were sent to families of elementary students early this week. Kindergarten students in the Universal instructional model will return to school buildngs on Thursday and Friday this week, while other elementary students return next week.
Universal students have been assigned to one of two cohorts with Cohort 1 attending school on Monday and Tuesday and Cohort 2 attending on Thursday and Friday. When students aren't in school buildings, they will access instruction virtually.
Most of the videos are approximately 3 minutes and 30 seconds in length and includes principals providing information about when to stay home if sick, bus and drop-off procedures, where to enter school buildings, what classrooms will look like and reminders about physical distancing, wearing a mask and proper hand hygiene. Classroom teachers will also review all of these areas with students the first week they are back in buildings.
Here are links to each elementary school video:
Videos specific to middle and high schools are also being produced and will be shared with families closer to the respective return dates for those levels. The District is planning for middle school students in the Universal instructional model to return on Feb. 22 and high school students to return on March 11. The School Board is expected to vote on those return dates at its meeting on Feb. 8.