Building Bridges program logo

Saturday, October 31, 2020 - 8:51 am

Building Bridges is a program for students in 4K through eighth grade that provides 90-day intensive wrap-around support to students in 4K through eighth grade with immediate mental health needs, and their families.

The Building Bridges team consists of two professionals who provide crisis stabilization and prevention services. The primary objective of the Building Bridges program is to decrease mental health crisis events of students in the educational environment and provide needed family supports to ensure the student’s behavioral stability and readiness for learning.

The team also works closely with school staff to improve their capacity to respond to mental health issues in the school setting. The program strives to increase student success by providing proactive responses to stressors, connect schools, families and students with needed resources and improve school staff’s understanding of mental health issues impacting students and families.

If you believe your child could benefit from this program, please contact a student services member at your child’s school. If you are unsure about who to contact at your child’s school, please visit the COVID-19 Update & Resources page on the District website where you will find staff contacts located at the bottom of page.

Please also check out this 2-minute video from our Building Bridges staff.