Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 9:38 am
Superintendent Dana Monogue shared a draft plan for what a Medical Advisory Committee might look like at the Board of Education regular meeting on Monday, Oct 26.
Board president Annette Ashley presided over the meeting at the District Services Center, while other Board members participated remotely. The School Board has been meeting virtually since mid-March. Monogue noted there are several other districts in Dane County that have medical advisory committees or are considering this option. She also reminded the members that some had asked for a proposal for a team. She reviewed the charge of the advisory team along with the possible composition. The goal would be to have a variety of disciplines represented, including pediatrician, mental health expert, ICU physician, infectious disease physician and epidemiologist. The plan would be to email to residents with a variety of questions and to find out who would be interested in serving.
Monogue suggested the team would be made up of up to 10 medical experts and also include two School Board members. The team would meet monthly for 60 minutes. She suggested the School Board approve the plan at its Nov. 9 meeting. If the plan was approved, the District would begin reaching out for possible committee members right away. A list of possible members would be shared with the School Board on Nov. 16 with the tentative date for the first meeting set for Nov. 30.
Members offered some suggestions for the makeup of the team and how often the team meets. They also had concerns about committee members facing pressure from the community and wondered if it made more sense to bring experts into future School Board meetings rather than establishing a committee. Some members, however, felt it was important to hear from experts about the District's plans for schools and bus safety. There was also discussion about whether it should be a Board-directed group or one set up by the superintendent.
Monogue and Ashley will work on developing a revised proposal to share at the next School Board meeting.