Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 8:25 am
Superintendent Dana Monogue, along with other District administrators and building principals updated the Board of Education on how the first month of virtual instruction has gone at its regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 28.
Board president Annette Ashley presided over the meeting at the District Services Center, while other Board members participated remotely. The School Board has been meeting virtually since mid-March. Monogue began the presentation by sharing successes and challenges from the first few weeks. She noted staff have indicated students are excited, ready to learn and attendance has been good. Staff are also appreciative of the training and resources the District has provided. Staff are also appreciative that Wednesdays are being used for collaboration, which has been valuable to work with technology, develop lessons and meet with students, she said.
Challenges have included a small number of students who don't have consistent internet access, a small number of students who aren't consistently engaging, and making sure there is consistency across buildings. She noted it has also been more challenging for students to get to know one another in a virtual setting. Mental health concerns and accommodations for some students have also proved difficult. West Middleton principal Katrina Krych, Kromrey principal Dom Ricks and MHS principal Peg Shoemaker each explained what their respective levels are doing to support students.
The Board wondered if students were receiving different amounts of instruction depending on the school they attend. Director of Elementary Education Rainey Briggs noted each school has a baseline level they must reach but some students may need more support. He also added some children may be receiving more synchronous instruction than others. Krych noted staff also realize they need to provide more support to parents, who are now acting as co-teachers. She added West Middleton is working to develop support groups for parents or to come in work with staff members.