Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - 11:32 am
Superintendent Dana Monogue shared information about the metrics the District will use in determining when MCPASD can move from virtual to a blended-hybrid instructional model at the Board of Education regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 10.
Monogue said MCPASD will move to a blended-hybrid model when:
- Dane County moves to a medium rating by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services AND Public Health Madison Dane County moves Dane County from Phase 2 to Phase 3 in its Forward Dane Plan.
- OR when MCPASD receives specific requirements and guidance from either of those organizations.
WDHS recently released a map giving a rating related to COVID-19 for each county in Wisconsin. Six counties received a medium rating, while the others, including Dane County, received a high rating. Dane County rated high because of burden (case rate), activity level, and trajectory, she noted. There weren't any counties that received a low rating.
The District will need two weeks to arrange transportation schedules and make sure spaces are set up to adhere to social distancing requirements once it is determined MCPASD can move to a hybrid model, she said.
Monogue also showed the Board the dashboard from PHMDC and noted Dane County still has a red rating in two areas. The county can't move from Phase 2 to Phase 3 until all of the metrics are yellow or green.
Neither PHMDC or WDHS has issued school-specific requirements or guidance although there are reports details could be released this week. As a result, Monogue noted, school districts are being asked to determine what information to use to determine how and when to bring students back into school buildings.
She shared chart showing which Dane County districts are starting virtually and which are using a hybrid model to start the school year. She noted four are using a hybrid model and no district is bringing middle or high school students into buildings to start the 2020-21 school year.
Monogue noted the School Board meeting on Sept. 28 will include a report on how the school year is going and where the District is relative to transitioning to the blended-hybrid model. She also said this will give MCPASD time to examine how districts opening in Dane County and around the state are doing.