Transportation FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact Transportation?

Submit an online Transportation Helpdesk Request on the Transportation Services webpage. For needs requiring immediate attention, call 608-829-2365.

Is my child eligible to ride a bus?

Yes, if determined eligible in accordance with MCPASD's transportation policies. Eligibility is largely based upon whether a student's residence is located within MCPASD district boundaries, is outside the 'walk zone' around their designated school of attendance, and is in Cross Plains or Middleton; they attend school where they reside; and they ride often enough.

There's an exception. We require all students assigned to private stops (as opposed to group stops) to ride the school bus a minimum of three times a week. This policy is designed to ensure that our bus routes are utilized effectively, to avoid unnecessary stops or added route time, and to ensure efficient transportation for all students.

No, if they are enrolling in Wisconsin's public school open enrollment program which allows parents to apply for their children to attend a school district other than the one in which they live. Transportation to an alternate child care provider who resides in the district does not qualify. See Department of Public Instruction Bulletin 14-08 on regarding statutes pertaining to open enrollment.

There's an exception. If the student is a child with a disability and transportation is required in an individualized education plan (IEP) transportation may be provided.

Is my child eligible to ride a late bus?

Yes, if they attend middle or high schools and are eligible to receive a regular school bus route (e.g., they don't live in a walk zone). We provide late buses at GCMS (T-Th @ 4:45), KMS (T-Th @ 4:50), and MHS (M-Th @ 5:30) when schools indicate there are late activities in session. Students want to tell their activity leader they want to take a late bus. Each school maintains a daily sign-up list.

Late bus routes and stop drop off times can vary daily based on who is riding, how many are riding, and how far the driver has to travel throughout the district. If a student lives close to school it doesn't guarantee an early drop off. The driver may have to begin their route going in the opposite direction.

What is a walk zone?

In Middleton, transportation is provided for students living 1.1 miles or more from their school of attendance. Students living less than 1.1 miles from their school are considered in the walk zone and may be referred to as a Walker in a student's transportation plan. They may ride a bus if the route to school is determined to be hazardous by the Sheriff’s Department according to State Statute 121.54(9). All students living outside the village limits are eligible for bus transportation.

In Cross Plains, transportation is provided for students living over 0.5 miles from their school of attendance in Cross Plains. Students living less than or equal to 0.5 miles from their school are considered in the walk zone and may be referred to as a Walker in a student's transportation plan. They may ride the bus if the route to school is determined to be hazardous by the Sheriff’s Department according to State Statute 121.54(9). 

How are walk zone distances measured?

Walk zone distances are measured using the walking distance from the end of a student's home driveway, or the end of a cul-de-sac or dead end street where it meets the main road, to the start of their school's driveway based on the GPS distance measured in Transportation's bus routing software.

How far can I expect my child to walk to and from a bus stop?

It depends on their grade and is defined by an administrative policy.

  • Kindergarten students may walk up to 0.2 miles.

  • Students in grades 1-4 may walk up to 0.3 miles.

  • Students in grades 5-12 may walk up to 0.5 miles.

Where can I find my child's transportation plan?

In Parent Portal. Click Bus Routes on the top right of district webpages for instructions. You'll find your student's current transportation plan that includes their route #, stop times, and stop locations.

Disregard the Transportation Code field. It defaults to Walker and the default can't be changed or removed. Rely on the data in the bus number, times, and stop location fields to indicate whether or not your student has transportation assigned.

How is transportation requested?

By submitting an Annual Transportation Registration form sent every summer, or Transportation Helpdesk Request during the rest of the year. Separate requests for Alternate Transportation and Dual Household Transportation must be submitted annually also. Transportation assignments do not carry over from year to year.


When registering a new student in the district any time of year, indicate if transportation is wanted on your registration form; no further action is required. The Registrar will notify Transportation. A student can start riding when a transportation plan is seen in Parent Portal.


Starting mid-August, most transportation requests submitted over the summer will be published in the Transportation section of Parent Portal. Continue to monitor bus routes until the first day of school; changes may have been made to adjust bus capacities and reconfigure bus routes.

Any time your address changes contact Registration. As soon as you verify your address has been updated in Parent Portal, submit a Transportation Helpdesk Request to inform them of the change, let them know it's current in the Parent Portal, and ask for new or revised transportation for your student.

Any time you want to request a transportation add/change/delete submit a Transportation Helpdesk Request.

Depending on the time of year and the number of helpdesk requests received, it may take up to 5 school days for your request to be addressed. Tickets are addressed in order of date received. Unless told otherwise, students can start riding when Parent Portal is updated. In the meantime, if your student is unable to continue using their current plan, parent transport will be required.


In early May, verify guardian contact information and household addresses are current in Parent Portal. To plan for the next school year, Transportation will send emails to guardian email addresses, and home addresses will be used for bus routing.

Near the end of every school year you'll receive an email asking you to complete Round 1 of an Annual Transportation Registration form letting Transportation know what your needs are for the following school year. Through June and July you'll likely be given 1-2 additional email opportunities to request transportation. Once you have successfully completed the form for each student, you do not want to fill out the form again. It is crucial that all forms are completed by the end date communicated to ensure your student's transportation needs are met by the start of the school year.

The form includes links to the Alternate Transportation Request and Dual Household Transportation Request.


If a student has Spec Ed transportation at the end of a school year it will be reassigned unless Transportation is informed it's no longer required. Schools notify Transportation about students who require Spec Ed transportation accommodation per their IEP.

What do I need to know about bus passes?

Bus passes are required for students in GR K-8. Effective 2024-25 they are no longer required for GR 9-12 and won't be printed. They are not provided for 4K.

Once a student is given a bus pass, they are expected to keep it in good shape and reuse it from year to year.

Each summer, for returning students in GR 1-8, a survey is sent to parents asking who needs (1) a replacement for a lost or damaged bus pass, or (2) a new bus pass for a student using transportation for the first time.

During the school year, for returning students in GR K-8: (1) If your student needs a replacement for a lost or damaged bus pass, they want to ask their bus driver for a replacement. The bus pass will be given to them by their bus driver. Please search thoroughly for lost ones first. If you later find old ones discard them or ensure the student keeps them at home. (2) If you want to request transportation for a student using transportation for the first time, submit a Transportation Helpdesk Request. Indicate if they're GR K-8 and request a bus pass. The bus pass will be given to them by their bus driver.

During the year, for newly register students in GR K-8, if you indicate you want transportation on your registration form, Transportation will be notified by the Registrar. During the school year, a bus pass will be printed and distributed by the student's driver. During the summer, a bus pass will be printed and distributed by the schools to the student shortly before or after school starts. When transportation is assigned during the school year, bus passes will be distributed by the student's driver.

While waiting for a bus pass to be printed, students can ride their assigned bus according to their transportation plan in Parent Portal.

We live on a cul-de-sac.  Will the bus come down our street?

Not usually, with the exception of transporting special education students. Buses routed down cul-de-sacs create risk for small children, increase the potential for property damage caused by a large bus turning around and/or backing up in a small area often with parked cars, and cause delays. A bus stop will typically be located where the cul-de-sac or dead end road meets the main road.

How are bus stop locations determined?

By considering safety, efficiency, cost, over-all ride times, distance from school, and housing concentration.

For safety, where practical, routes have been designed to eliminate left-turns onto major roads unless there is some type of traffic signal to facilitate the turn.

For efficiency, some bus stops have been consolidated.

Buses are routed on a "first-on, first-off" basis where practical. When not practical, your student may be first on in the morning and last off in the afternoon.

A student's bus number may change from year to year for a number of reasons (e.g., to keep mileage distributed throughout the bus fleet).

Bus stops are located within acceptable walking distance of residences, typically at corners or intersections. See Attendance / Walk Zone Locator. Administrative Policy 751 sets the guidelines.

In rural areas:

  • Students will be transported to and from the nearest point where private driveways intersect with town, county, state or federal roads.

  • Students will be collected at prearranged group stops where dwelling units are clustered.

In urban areas:

  • Students living 1.1 miles from their assigned school will be collected at group bus stops.

When will Transportation consider adjusting bus stop locations?

When a family has a change of address, and when a stop is determined unsafe by Transportation in consult with the Dane County Sheriff Department. If determined unsafe adjustments are made to identify a safer alternative.

When routes are being designed, every effort is made to select safe places to load and unload students by factoring in roads, streets, traffic speeds, and locations of residences. Certain intersections cause concern for school buses and the motoring public so related roads and streets will be avoided when possible.

Why can’t the bus stop at my house rather than a group stop?

The District utilizes group stops to accommodate up to 5,000 eligible riders during some school years. Fewer stops and reduced stop frequency shorten ride times and decrease the possibility of an accident due to impatient motorists and bad weather for examples. If you have concerns about your student's safety you are encouraged to accompany your student to the bus stop or arrange a neighborhood buddy to walk with your student. Wisconsin law does not require the District to provide door-to-door school bus service for everyone.

Can my child be dropped off at child care after school?

Yes, under certain conditions. All students, including those who are not usually bused, are eligible for transportation after school if they need to be transported to a child care provider, and meet the following conditions.

  1. As a parent/guardian you fill out an Alternate Transportation Request found under Forms on the Transportation Services home page. Note the amount of process time required. Any District school, the Transportation Center, or the District Services Office can assist.

  2. The route already goes past the child care provider's home or designated bus stop. The bus will not add mileage to its route to go past a child care provider's residence.

  3. Requests received prior to July 15 will be guaranteed a ride provided the above is met.  After July 15, requests will be determined by whether or not there is room on the bus.  If students move into the 1.1 plus mile limit, or there is a shift in pre-scheduled ride patterns during the year, and space is needed, then the last student(s) accepted for alternate transportation will be the first displaced.  “Last in, first out.”

  4. Only a limited number of provider changes will be accepted during the year. A new set of forms is required for each change.

  5. Transportation requests to and from child care providers must be renewed each school year.

Can my child use transportation, get dropped off at a different stop, or use a different bus route than in their approved transportation plan?

No, with rare exception. Transportation doesn't provide bus transportation except for those students with an official transportation plan, and then only according to the routes, times, and stop locations in their plan.

Drivers will not honor notes from parents, teachers, or staff requesting a student to be let off at an unassigned stop or to ride on an unassigned route. They will only grant exceptions communicated to them by Transportation.

If you believe a family situation warrants consideration call Transportation at #829-2365. Exceptions are considered in response to an unavoidable family emergency. Here are two examples. 

  1. Parents were out of town overnight, their care provider came down with the flu and suddenly there wasn't anyone at their home to care for their child; they identified an adult who would provide care at a different location on a suitable bus route. 

  2. A student's only sibling was being prepped for surgery very early the next morning and his only parent had to be at the hospital. He needed to stay at a friend's house overnight with adult supervision where he could catch the bus with his friend the next morning. 

What is the maximum length of time for a bus route?

There is none. We strive to establish route times so that no student will ride the bus for more than one hour one way. We can't guarantee it.  There is no law or policy which limits ride time.

How do we reclaim a lost and found item?

Ask the student to ask the driver for the item when they ride next. Bus drivers walk their bus after every route. If they find a lost and found item they keep it at the front of the bus for the student to reclaim. After a few days, unclaimed items are turned into a school.

If it's urgent to retrieve an item left on a bus (e.g., an instrument is needed that night for a concert) call the Transportation Center to ask if there's a way to get it back. Before you call, please verify you can arrive at the Transportation Center before 4:30 P.M. when the office closes. It's often not possible to retrieve an item at the end of the day because many drivers don't complete their routes until after the office closes.

Does MCPASD offer a Parent Transportation Contract to district families with students attending a private school?

Yes, if all the following apply:

  1. the private school is located within the boundaries of the student's resident school district, MCPASD in this instance, or not more than 5 miles beyond the boundaries of MCPASD measured along a direct vehicle route;

  2. the student resides 2 miles or more from the private school measured along a direct vehicle route; and

  3. for parochial schools, the student resides within the school’s approved attendance area.

Visit our Boundaries & Maps webpage to see if a student's primary residence is within the MCPASD school boundary. Contact the private school with questions about their school's attendance areas.

Likely in January or February, MCPASD will contact qualified private schools and request student names and parent contact information for eligible families. It's their obligation to confirm eligibility.

Contact the private school early in the calendar year if you want to confirm whether or not your student(s) is eligible and will be submitted. If not, you won't receive an offer.

In May, one parent/guardian will receive an email with one survey to complete for all eligible students. We email only one person to avoid receiving duplicate response; it will be whichever contact the private school submits to us. Both parents want to check their inbox and spam folders throughout the month.

If a family misses the submittal deadline they will likely forego receiving a payment. There’s a very tight schedule after the deadline for us to review the responses, to calculate amounts due to each family, to submit hundreds of check requests and get them all processed by the end of the fiscal year, June 30.

By July 30, per WIS statute, approved families will receive payment.