Attendance / Walk Zone Locator

Walking distances to schools are established in Administrative Policy 751. See "Is my child eligible to ride a bus?" in Transportation FAQ.

Walking distances to bus stops are established in Administrative Policy 751.

  • Kindergarten students may walk up to 0.2 miles.

  • Students in 1st - 4th grades may walk up to 0.3 miles.

  • Students in 5th - 12th grades may walk up to 0.5 miles.

See your student's transportation plan.

Campus Portal Info (aka Infinite Campus)

See attendance boundaries.

  1. Visit the Infofinder website.

  2. Enter your home address with zip code.

  3. If wanted, narrow your search by grade and school.

Some streets are named the same in both Cross Plains and Middleton. Include the zip code or city to return the correct location.

Use these common abbreviations:

  • Hwy for Highway,

  • Ter for Terrace,

  • Blvd for Boulevard,

  • St for Street,

  • Ct for Court, and

  • Ln for Lane.

See also, Boundaries & Maps.

See if an address is in our school district.

Enter an address on Dane County Maps (DCiMap). At times it takes a minute or so for the toolbars to load. Use the Map Layers icon. From the dropdown list, under the Boundaries & Districts subheading, check the box next to School Districts. All school district boundaries in the county will be shaded in different colors. You can also contact the municipality where the property is located.

See also, Boundaries & Maps.


While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, this information alone should not be relied upon for decisions such as purchasing or leasing a residence. All information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed to be without error.  The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District assumes no responsibility whatsoever for direct, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or other damages.