WestEd Outside Provider Report
Special education programs exist within a larger educational system and are designed to serve the needs of students who require additional support to meet the outcomes identified by the teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other team members. Well-designed special education programs are collegial and inclusive and are part of a continuum of services and supports designed to meet the diverse needs of students with individualized education programs (IEPs) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). A well-implemented special education system is both effective and efficient in the delivery of special education services that meet the progressive academic and functional goals of the students in the district.
The Middleton Cross Plains Area School District partnered with WestEd to complete an outside evaluation to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of the district's special education program and services. The district’s goal for this study was to understand the current level of success of the district’s special education program and to identify overall programmatic and organizational improvements for efficiently and effectively increasing results for students with disabilities. WestEd analyses were based on interviews, focus groups, surveys, school observations, data, and document reviews. Special and general education teachers and administrators, psychologists, counselors, speech and language specialists, special education paraeducators, and parents and other family members participated in this study. The majority of the review took place from January 2023 through June 2023. This report aims to provide MCPASD with an objective analysis and a set of recommendations that can be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its special education program while also honoring the strengths of the district’s current structure and approach. The recommendations are intended to be a catalyst for dialogue and collaboration within the district as a means of charting a course for effective, efficient, and inclusive programs and services for all students with disabilities.
Please read the full report and executive summary in the link.