Renting The PAC

School groups, community, public and civic groups are permitted to use the PAC if they meet established facility use criteria, and don't conflict with the regularly scheduled programs of the school. 

Click here to view the current PAC rental rates

In order to rent the PAC, please do the following:

1. Review the Use of School Facilities policy and Facility User Groups document to make sure your group would qualify to rent the PAC.

2. Check to see if the dates are available, by clicking on the Facilities Calendar.  Navigate to the Performing Arts Center on the Building list to the left of the Facilities Calendar page.

3. If you would like to request a date and time, click on Request Facilities on the Facilities Calendar.  Follow instructions on how to become a requester if you have not previously rented any of the school district's facilities. 

4. Fill out a PAC Rental Application (fillable PDF) (Please note: if you are using Chrome as your browser, you will need to save this form on your computer first and then open it using Adobe Reader.) The application should be emailed to Jonathan Hagberg.

5. If you have questions, please contact Jonathan Hagberg