Medications At School
Students are allowed to take medication at school with the written permission of their parent/guardian and a health care provider. “Medication” includes both prescription medication, and non-prescription, over-the-counter medication.
All medications require completion of the MCPASD Medication Administration Form. Please read the form carefully to see which types of medication require a parent/guardian signature, and which medications also require the signature of the prescribing health care provider. Completed forms must be turned in to the school health office and reviewed by the School Nurse.
Important notes about medications at school:
1. Substances such as sunscreen, insect repellent, cough drops, and lip balm are considered non-prescription medications and require completion of the MCPASD Medication Administration Form.
2. Students of ANY AGE who have known asthma or allergies are permitted to self-carry their emergency inhaler or Epipen on their person. Parents/guardians need to notify the School Nurse via email or phone that their student is self-carrying an emergency medication. Parents/guardians must also sign and turn in the MCPASD Medication Administration Form.
3. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY may self-carry both prescription and non-prescription/over-the-counter medication at school. Students are not permitted to share medication with other students under any circumstances. For non-prescription/over-the-counter medications, Parents/guardians must sign and turn in the MCPASD Medication Administration Form. For prescription medications, both the parent/guardian and a health care provider must sign and turn in the MCPASD Medication Administration Form.
4. All medications need to be turned in in their original packaging or container from the pharmacy.
5. Parents/guardians will be asked to verify the quantity of the medication when dropping it off at a school health office.