Alternate Transportation

to Private Daycares Affiliated with MCPASD Schools

Known as Daycare Feeder Schools, some MCPASD schools are affiliated with private daycare providers that are located in their attendance area and have an existing bus stop. Students attending one of these schools can be given transportation to an affiliated daycare provider as an alternative to home.

To request alternate transportation submit an Alternate Transportation Request as soon as your student is registered (no less than 10 school days in advance of when transportation is wanted).

Elm Lawn Elementary

Little Red Preschool – Middleton

Northside Elementary

Little Red Preschool – Middleton
Middleton Baby and Child Care

Park Elementary

Cross Plains Recreation Department
Little Red Preschool – Cross Plains

Pope Farms Elementary

Creative Soul Afterschool Club
Pooh Bear Childcare
The Goddard School of Middleton

Sauk Trail Elementary

Little Red Preschool – Middleton
Middleton Baby and Child Care

Sunset Ridge Elementary

Clubhouse for Kids
La Petite Academy of Madison (on Fournier Dr.)
Pooh Bear Childcare
Primrose School of Middleton

West Middleton Elementary

The Goddard School of Middleton
Youth Center – Elver Park Area