Sunday, January 10, 2021 - 9:42 am
The Nutrition Services Department is requesting that all families of elementary students who are in the Universal instructional model please complete a form by 11 p.m. on Jan. 13 so the District has an idea how many students plan to eat breakfast and-or lunch provided by MCPASD.
Breakfast and lunch will be free for all students through June 30 in school and on days when students are learning virtually.This is approved by USDA to ensure that all students have access to meals.
Breakfast and Lunch: Will be free for all students and will be eaten in the classroom. Please complete this form by 11 p.m. on Jan. 13. If you would like to change your response at any time, please contact Amy Gundeck at 608-829-2344 or send her an email.
Milk Break: Elementary students will have a milk break in their school day. This is a separate program from meal service. The milk break will be free for students who are approved for free/reduced pricing. Milk will cost $0.45 per carton for students who normally pay for meals Milk break is voluntary.
Free/Reduced Meal Application: Please remember to complete the online or printable application to receive free/reduced meals. Even though the meals are currently free there are other benefits to being approved such as school fees or milk break costs being waived. If you have questions, please contact Amy Gundeck at 608-829-2344 or send her an email.
Meals Away From School Buildings: For the days that your child is in the building, you will not need to place orders. For the days they are accessing virtual learning, along with our Fully Virtual students, please continue to follow the process we have been using by ordering through My Payments Plus.Younger siblings, middle school and high school students will continue to receive their delivered meals following the same process.