July 8, 2024 | Board of Education Recap

The Board of Education meeting began with Superintendent Dr. Dana Monogue, highlighting the commendable work of the summer academy and the high school summer staff, extending her thanks for their dedication.

General Leave Update

Dr. Barb Buffington, Director of Employee Services, and Sherry Smith, Talent Recruitment and Retention Specialist, updated the Board on District leave requests for the 2023-2024 school year, including attendance data and substitute fill rates. This update marks the final report for the first year of the General Leave plan.

While the percentages of absences and substitute coverage are positive, there is concern about the low number of substitutes at Glacier Creek Middle School and West Middleton Elementary. To address this, Dr. Buffington and Smith are looking forward to the new partnership with substitute provider Edustaff, starting in the 2024-2025 school year. Natalie Graham, a full-time Edustaff staff member, will be located at our District Services Center.

Dr. Buffington and Smith will continue to hold leadership alignment meetings to monitor the effectiveness of the General Leave plan.

Enrollment Update

Assistant Superintendent of Operations Jerrud Rossing reviewed the updated enrollment numbers for the 2024-2025 school year. So far, overall enrollment has increased by an additional 18 students since last month, not including open enrollment. 

Historically, enrollment numbers begin to level out in August and September, with the true numbers typically becoming clear in late August.

Currently, K–12 enrollment is 109 students above projections. Open enrollment numbers will be available in August, providing a more complete picture.

MOU with McKinstry's Classroom of the Future Project

Jerrud Rossing presented a review of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with McKinstry Essention, LLC. This MOU, dated June 2024, outlines an exciting new partnership aimed at revolutionizing our elementary school classrooms.

The "Classroom of the Future" (CoF) initiative is a collaborative effort between our District and McKinstry to develop and implement innovative strategies for modernizing our learning environments. This partnership seeks to address the evolving educational needs of our students in the 21st century.

Key points of the initiative include:

  1. Purpose: The CoF project aims to upgrade our classroom infrastructure, enhance learning environments with advanced technology, and promote educational equity across our District.

  2. Scope: The collaboration will involve infrastructure development, technology integration, resource sharing, and the implementation of pilot projects.

  3. Pilot Project Development: The initiative is structured around three main workstreams: a. Technical Solution Validation: To assess and refine proposed classroom improvements. b. Funding and Procurement Approach Assessment: To explore innovative funding and procurement methods. c. Pilot Project Development: To create and implement a test case for the CoF concept.

  4. Proposed Solutions: McKinstry has presented three tiers of classroom improvements:

    • Healthy Fundamentals: Focusing on basic comfort and environmental factors.

    • Flexibility Package: Adding elements to enhance space adaptability.

    • Safety Package: Incorporating advanced educational technology and safety features.

This non-binding MOU is set for a one-year term, allowing us to explore the potential of this partnership without long-term commitments. The initiative aligns with our District's commitment to providing cutting-edge educational facilities and opportunities for our students.


The Board of Education approved all seven items presented for consideration.

Approval of 2024-2025 Preliminary Budget

Director of Finance, Erin Wheeler, and Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Jerrud Rossing, reviewed the preliminary budget for the 2024-2025 school year. They highlighted several key points, including a $325 per-pupil funding increase for the 2024-25 school year, along with additional funding from a recent referendum and an exemption in funding for Special Education and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.

The District is currently finalizing the figures, with the Board of Education expected to adopt the budget and certify the tax levy by October 28, 2024.

Decision on Revised Certified Staff Compensation

Jerrud Rossing provided information on this proposal at the June 10, 2024, board meeting. The District proposed moving Social Workers, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Counselors over to Lane 3. This recommendation is due to market changes and the release of the 2023-2024 compensation data from the Department of Public Instruction.

Approval of District Academic Standards

Annually, school districts must secure approval from their board for the district's academic standards for the forthcoming year. These are the recommended 2024-2025 standards.

Approval of District Strategy Map

The administration, along with the Board, has developed and reviewed the Strategy Map for the 2024-2025 academic year. Superintendent Monogue summarized the intended goals and efforts as outlined in the Strategy Map for the 2024-2025 school year. This document will be emailed soon to all families and staff members.

Approval of Independent Hearing Officer

The Board uses an Independent Hearing Officer for expulsions. This agreement ensures the District has a qualified, independent professional to oversee expulsion hearings, promoting fairness and compliance with legal requirements.

Approval of Membership in Greater Dane County School Governance Consortium

The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District has been actively engaged in the initial phases of the Greater Dane County School Governance Consortium. This organization is dedicated to strengthening coordination and cooperation among school districts throughout Dane County. Its objectives include advocating for educational policies, implementing effective governance strategies, and exchanging promising practices to advance the educational framework of the region.

The Board has approved the Consortium's request for membership for the 2024-2025 school year.

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