Monthly School Wide Theme

January's School-Wide Monthly Focus

School-Wide Monthly Focus (January)

This month we are reteaching and reviewing the following classroom and school expectations:-

How to be respectful, responsible, safe, and a learner during all parts of the school day (eg. recess, lunchroom, whole group learning, independent work time, etc.).

We will also focus on how to “Let Learning Happen” in the classroom by having students gain an understanding of how to help themselves and others to learn. To support this learning, we will have a school-wide booster and goal! Each grade level has been set a goal to earn 100 orange sunflower powers by the end of month. If they reach that goal, the whole school will earn music in the lunchroom for a day!

How can you help at home?

We invite you to follow along with the booster! You can ask your child the following questions:

  • How did you “Let Learning Happen” today in class?

  • What can you do to help your class get a sunflower power ?

  • How many sunflower powers has your grade earned so far?

For more information, please click here.