Board of Education Recap | September 9, 2024

Access Board Meetings Online: Community members can stay informed by watching every board meeting on our YouTube channel, MCPASD TV. In the recap below, we have provided timestamps for the various sections of the meeting. These will help you follow along and jump directly to the parts of the video that interest you the most.

2:02 - The Board of Education meeting started with President Sheila Hibner reading the agreement to comply with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) using the current internet content filter. To comply with the CIPA, the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District is required to implement a content filter for internet traffic. The MCPASD uses the Linewize Internet Content Filter to block developmentally inappropriate content for students.

13:55 - In the Superintendent's report. Dr. Dana Monogue expressed her gratitude for the staff, who have made the first week of the school year positive and welcoming for our students.

She also provided an important reminder to families regarding the transportation department. She mentioned that at the start of each school year, the transportation department encounters challenges as they finalize student assignments for all routes. She added that adjustments to routes will be made as necessary. Additionally, ongoing road construction throughout the district is contributing to minor delays. It is crucial that students be at their bus stops at least five minutes before and after their scheduled stop time.

An email reminder was also sent to families on Friday, September 6, 2024.

17:05 - Cellphone Policy Update for Secondary Schools

This year, there are updated cellphone usage policies in secondary school buildings. Administration from middle and high schools provided a summary of their respective policies.

Middleton High School Policy

  • During class periods (bell to bell): No cell phone use

  • Storage: Phones must be in backpacks or collected by teachers

  • Allowed use: During passing time, lunch, and occasionally during Advisory and Study Hall

  • Consequences: Escalate from confiscation to loss of privileges for up to 20 school days

Glacier Creek Middle School Policy

  • Device status: All personal devices must be off and away from 8:00 am to 3:36 pm

  • Restricted areas: No device use in classrooms, restrooms, hallways, or during lunch/recess

  • Exceptions: Chromebooks are allowed with permission or during indoor recess

  • Consequences: Escalate from teacher conferences to office intervention with extended device restrictions

Kromrey Middle School Policy

  • Device status: Phones must be off and stored in lockers from 8:05 am to 3:36 pm

  • Allowed use: Before 8:05 am and after 3:36 pm

  • Restricted times: No technology use during lunch or on buses

  • Additional restrictions: No pictures/videos on school grounds

  • Consequences:

    • First violation: Device collected for the day

    • Second violation: Parent pickup required

Key Similarities

  • All schools prioritize creating a distraction-free learning environment.

  • Personal devices are generally not allowed during class time.

  • Consequences for policy violations escalate with repeat offenses.

Key Differences

  • High school offers more flexibility (e.g., during lunch).

  • Middle schools have stricter overall policies.

  • Glacier Creek includes all personal tech devices in its policy.

  • Kromrey has additional rules about headphones and speakers.


  • Policies will be communicated to students, staff, and parents.

  • Staff will be trained on consistent enforcement.

  • Regular policy review and adjustments will be made as needed.

45:00 - Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Jerrud Rossing, presented an enrollment update to the board.

After completing the first week of the school year, we now have a clearer understanding of our enrollment numbers.

During the third Friday count last year, we had 7,042 students enrolled. As of last Thursday, our current enrollment stands at 7,202 students.

Rossing reported an increase of 160 students, clarifying that this growth is not because of residential growth but rather the result of open enrollment.

53:29 - In the state of Wisconsin, it is standard practice for the School Board to approve the boundaries for parochial and private schools each year. This ensures proper districting and allocation of resources. The Board reviewed and approved this item.

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