Board of Education Recap | February 24, 2025

Access Board Meetings Online: Community members can stay informed by watching every board meeting on our YouTube channel, MCPASD TV. In the recap below, we have provided timestamps for the various sections of the meeting. These will help you follow along and jump directly to the parts of the video that interest you the most.

8:12 - Superintendent's Report - The Board of Education meeting began with the superintendent's report. Dr. Dana Monogue congratulated the MHS Boys Swim and Dive team on clinching another state championship this weekend—their third consecutive win—highlighting their impressive performance by winning 8 out of 12 races. She expressed pride in how well the team represented the District at the state level and mentioned that they would be honored at the March 3 Board of Education meeting.

Dr. Monogue also announced that the annual Country Breakfast, organized by the MHS Choral Arts, is scheduled for March 2 at MHS. The event will take place in the North Commons from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

10:41 - Career and Technical Education (CTE) Presentation - CTE Coordinator Dave Thomas, Associate Principal Ray Rosing, Principal Ken Metz, and Director Jan Chynoweth presented an update on the Career and Technical Education programming in our District. This report included high school and middle school CTE course information.

Five students from the CTE program attended the board meeting to discuss how the program has helped them find meaningful careers:

  • Paulina Garduno - UW Health (Health Science)

  • Andres Mendoza Alcara - UW Housing (Architecture & Construction)

  • Cora Thomas - Ecco Salon (Human Services)

  • Daniel Bukhman - MCPASD Tech Services (Information Technology)

  • Hannah Lee - UW Department of Biochemistry - Fox Lab (STEM-Biotech)

students at a board meeting

students at a board meeting

The report outlines how the MCPASD Career and Technical Education (CTE) program is designed to provide educational experiences that prepare students for three potential paths: immediate employment after graduation with marketable skills, education beyond high school with marketable job skills, and working while continuing education to offset higher education expenses.

The CTE program includes curriculum offerings across several areas, each with corresponding Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs):

  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FCCLA)

  • Business and Information Technology Education (FBLA)

  • Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship Education (DECA)

  • Technology and Engineering Education (SkillsUSA)

  • Health Science Education (HOSA)

At the middle school level, students experience a rotation of CTE offerings including Computers, Technology Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences. The Academic and Career Planning process follows a four-step approach: Know (identifying interests and strengths), Explore (career pathways and education opportunities), Plan (goal setting and course selection), and Go (continuous self-reflection and pursuit of goals). Middle school students also participate in FutureQuest, a Dane County career exploration program.

At Middleton High School, many students take CTE courses each year, with over 70% of graduates identified as "concentrators" (students who take two or more courses in a career pathway). The District's four-year CTE plan, approved by the Wisconsin DPI in 2024, recognizes nine career pathways:

  • Six Regional pathways: Advanced Manufacturing, Architecture & Construction, Direct Patient Care, Education & Training, Hospitality/Culinary/Tourism, and Information Technology

  • Three Local pathways: Business Management & Administration, Human Services, and Marketing

The report highlights post-secondary preparation components including:

  1. Industry-recognized credentials and certifications

  2. Dual enrollment opportunities through Madison College (ECAP), UW-Oshkosh (CAPP), and UW-Stout

  3. Work-based learning through career internships and youth apprenticeships

The CTE team is currently in the first year of the District's curriculum renewal process, which aligns with Wisconsin's newly published Academic Standards for CTE. Participation rates in dual credit, industry-recognized certifications, and work-based learning continue to increase, with Health Science showing notable growth.

56:06 - Report on Strategy Map Progress - Dr. Dana Monogue provided an update on the Strategy Map Quarter 2 progress, presenting a comprehensive review of the district's strategic initiatives organized into three key pillars: Students, Staff, and Community.

The Students pillar focuses primarily on improving reading proficiency across all grade levels. The District has set ambitious targets to achieve 85% reading proficiency by the end of third grade, eighth grade, and eleventh grade by the 2025-2026 school year, measured by Wisconsin Forward Examinations and ACT scores. 

Currently, about 26.5% of K-3 students require Personal Reading Plans (PRPs), indicating they are reading below grade level expectations. The data reveals achievement gaps, with significantly higher PRP rates among Black/African American students (50%), Hispanic/Latino students (43.6%), students with disabilities (58.5%), and economically disadvantaged students (44.2%).

To address these challenges, the District has implemented several key initiatives. State-mandated literacy screenings have been administered to K-3 students, with reading intervention plans developed for all who tested below the 25th percentile. Professional development through LETRS training continues for educators. The District is also enhancing its Multi-Layered Systems of Support (MLSS) to deliver targeted reading and mental health interventions. Special education enhancements include professional development for co-teaching and the development of a self-contained K-8 intervention program planned for implementation in 2025-2026. Additionally, the middle school daily schedule and staffing plan are being revised for the upcoming school year, with a focus on connecting Academic and Career Planning to the District's Portrait of a Graduate framework.

The Staff pillar addresses diversity, retention, and compensation within the District workforce. Key goals include increasing teachers who identify as BIPOC to 7% by the 2024-2025 school year and maintaining a 95% retention rate for BIPOC staff. 

Progress in this area includes the development of a support staff compensation model with input from a dedicated committee and paraprofessional workgroup. The District is evaluating supplementary compensation using Dane County benchmark data and preparing for insurance planning through an advisory committee scheduled to meet in March. A negotiations team consisting of three Board of Education members has been established, with base-wage bargaining set to commence upon request from the MEA (Middleton Education Association). The District is also planning "open-interview" events for the spring to support recruitment efforts.

The Community pillar emphasizes safety, sustainability, and stakeholder engagement. The Board recently approved a long-range capital improvement plan and Phase 1 Sustainability Roadmap projects on February 10, 2025. The Sustainability Committee meets monthly to focus on educational engagement, environmental stewardship, and operational excellence. Safety and security initiatives have seen significant progress, with reunification training completed for over 100 staff members on February 17, and additional training planned for May 12. Monthly safety drills are being conducted at all facilities with 100% compliance, and a public safety and security informational meeting is scheduled for February 27. The District has temporarily postponed its 4K program evaluation until accurate census data becomes available. Meanwhile, the leadership team has completed an artificial intelligence assessment and is partnering with a third-party solution provider to determine next steps.

Looking ahead to Quarter 3, the district plans to refresh the Strategy Map, establish budget priorities for 2025-2026, convene the Handbook Committee, conduct base-wage bargaining, organize the Compensation Committee, and develop a comprehensive staffing plan for the 2025-2026 school year.

Throughout the presentation, the district emphasized its commitment to creating "A District Where Students Belong and Thrive," "A District Where Staff are Empowered and Supported," and "A District That is Valued and Trusted" – themes that underscore the overall mission of the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District.

1:13:10 - Approval of Budget Amendments for 2024-2025 - Assistant Superintendent Jerrud Rossing requested approval of the budget amendment. These amendments are made several times throughout the year. The document outlines various adjustments to the District's 2024-25 budget across multiple funding categories. The board approved this item.

1:15:53 - First Reading of Board Policy I-D.4 - The board reviewed policy I-D.4, which includes the new board salaries determined at the District's Annual Meeting in September. They decided to table this item, meaning that its consideration and discussion are postponed to a later time. This allows the board more time for review or to gather additional information before making a final decision.

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