graphic of students reading books

During her historical fiction unit, 5th-grade teacher Jennie Esser assigned her students to read a book titled "One Crazy Summer" by Rita Williams-Garcia. This novel was a great tool for helping students learn more about the civil rights movement. 

As part of their project, the students wrote letters to the author explaining the impact the book had on them and what they enjoyed about reading it. Jennie Esser also wrote a letter explaining how she enjoys sharing the book every year with her students. 

Rita Williams-Garcia was so touched by all of the heartfelt letters that she asked if she could meet with the class via zoom. 

During their meet and greet the students shared stories and mentioned a few of them have now read other novels by her. 

Thank you to Author Rita Williams-Garcia for taking the time to reach out to our 5th-grade students! What a special event!